Other Positions
Here you will find all open positions outside the QUEST network
- Postdoctoral or more senior researcher position at Princeton
- Theoretical & Computational Seismology/Department of Geosciences/ Princeton University
- 2 PhD positions in Seismology at LMU, Munich
- 2 PhD positions in Seismology at LMU, Munich
- University Lecturer in Sedimentology/Stratigraphy
- UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Department of Earth Sciences in association with St Cross College
- University Lecturer in Mineralogy and Petrology
- UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Department of Earth Sciences in association with University College
- University Lecturer in Geophysics
- UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Department of Earth Sciences in association with Exeter College
- Tenure-track assistant professor position at Princeton University
- The Department of Geosciences at Princeton University seeks a solid earth geoscientist, broadly defined, to be considered for a tenure-track assistant professor position.
- Faculty position at Oxford University
- PhD in Glacioseismology at ETH Zurich
- The Swiss Seismological Service at ETH Zurich is seeking a highly motivated student for a Ph.D. position in a cross-disciplinary project between the Swiss Seismological Service and the glaciology group at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
- SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program
- Geophysics Joint Doctoral Program—Applications for Fall 2012
- Software developer/seismologist
- ORFEUS is looking for a Software developer/seismologist.
- Postdoctoral position with the ERC/GLOBALSEIS project at Geoazur
- We are looking for a postdoc to join the ERC-funded Globalseis project.
- Postdoctoral position in Computational/Observational Seismology at University of Toronto
- Postdoctoral position in Computational/Observational Seismology Department of Physics, University of Toronto Application deadline: October 15, 2011
- PhD position in the domain of seismic imaging of the Earth's interior at ETH
- The institute of Geophysics of ETH Zurich is seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to be working in the domain of seismic imaging of the Earth's interior.
- Postdoctoral research position in regional seismology
- Postdoctoral position in Computational Acoustics at Klagenfurt University
- PostDoc for 2 years in "Numerical Simulation of Acoustics-Acoustics- and Structural Mechanics-Acoustics-Couplings on Nonmatching Grids" at the Klagenfurt University.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Seismology, Fairbanks
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational and Observational Seismology Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks Review Date: January 10, 2011
- Postdoctoral Position in Seismology at Harvard University.
- Postdoctoral Position in Seismology in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University.
- Post-doctoral Position in Seismology, University of East Anglia, UK
- PostDoc at the School of Environmental Sciences, UEA
- Post-doctoral Research Position in Computational Seismology
- Post-doctoral Research Position in Computational Seismology at the Swiss Seismological Service, at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Postdoctoral position in Computational and Mathematical Seismology at MIT
- The Imaging and Computing group in the Mathematics department at MIT invites applications for one postdoctoral position in the area of computational mathematics, with specialization in seismology.
- Postdoctoral Position in Seismology, Harvard University
- Postdoctoral Position in Seismology in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University.
- Geophysicist permanent position at Microseismic Inc.
- Geophysicist permanent position at Microseismic Inc., Huston
- Postdoc position at Goethe University Frankfurt
- Postdoctoral Research Position/Numerical Modeling in Geodynamics.
- Faculty position at Rice University
- Post Doc Position at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Post doc with 3-D modelling skills at LANL
- PhD position in Munich
- PhD position in seismology and geodynamics
- Postdoc Position in Computational Seismology at LLNL
- Postdoc position in computational seismology at LLNL
- Professor in Seimology
- Director, University of Utah Seismograph Stations and Professor/Associate Professor of Seismology
- University Lectureship in Geophysics, University of Cambridge