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Postdoctoral position in Computational Acoustics at Klagenfurt University

PostDoc for 2 years in "Numerical Simulation of Acoustics-Acoustics- and Structural Mechanics-Acoustics-Couplings on Nonmatching Grids" at the Klagenfurt University.

In this project, we want to enhance the Mortar FEM towards complex multiphysics applications. We will focus on computational aeroacoustics and ultrasound heating. The first topic will be concentrated on more general wave equations to model flow induced sound taking into account refraction and convection effects. Furthermore, we intend to consider a multi-model approach, where we compute the generated and propagating acoustic waves by different PDEs and couple them along the interfaces within the framework of the Mortar FEM. The second topic will be dedicated to the open question, on how ambient tissue is effected by cancer treatment applying high intensity ultrasound. Therewith, we will focus on a coupled physical model for the numerical computation of the ultrasound heating process by considering the ultrasound generation mechanism of the transducer, the interaction between the acoustic and thermal fields in the tissue as well as the flow and thermal fields within blood vessels. Especially in this multiphysics setting, the Mortar FEM will be a powerful tool allowing different grids along coupling interfaces as well as different grids for PDEs being computed on the same subdomain. Both topics will have in common the necessity of using the Mortar FEM to achieve computable models, multi-time stepping techniques and efficient treatment of free radiation conditions for the acoustic waves.

The project is a cooperation with the Chair of Numerical Mathematics at the Technical University Munich and is financed by the DFG and FWF.


For more information contact Prof. Dr. Manfred Kaltenbacher:

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