Currently there are 28 projects with 25 releases available.
Software Releases
28 projects matching your criteria.
ISOLA moment tensor retrieval software package
Jun 29, 2011 in Inverse ModellingFortran code ISOLA to retrieve isolated asperities from regional or local waveforms based on multiple-point source representation and iterative deconvolution.
Jun 29, 2011 in Analytical SolutionsCalculates the 2 components of the 2D wavefield generated by a line dislocation at the interface between two different elastic solids.
Normal modes
Jun 29, 2011 in Forward ModellingNormal-mode based computation of seismograms for spherically symmetric Earth models
Jun 29, 2011 in ToolsA Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories.
Jun 29, 2011 in Analytical SolutionsCalculates the 3 components wavefield generated by a point dislocation at the interface between two different elastic solids.
Ray theory
Jun 29, 2011 in Forward ModellingRay-theoretical approach to the calculation of synthetic seismograms in global Earth models.
ERZSOL3 (Reflectivity Method)
Jun 29, 2011 in Forward ModellingCode for calculating the response of a stratified set of uniform solid layers to excitation by a point moment tensor source using the Reflectivity Method (RM).
Jul 05, 2011 in Forward ModellingA spectral element package for 2D wave propagation and earthquake rupture dynamics
Jul 05, 2011 in ToolsPackage of Spherical Harmonics ANalysis and SYNthesis tools for UNIX/GMT environments. Required to plot model coefficients downloaded from Becker and Boschi's ...
Jul 04, 2011 in Forward ModellingSHaxi performs elastic and anelastic global SH wave propagation in the Earth's mantle for axi-symmetric geometries.