Sunday, September 19th | |
Arrival of participants - Registration |
13:00 |
Lunch |
19:00 | Icebreaker |
Monday, September 20th | |
08:30 | QUEST: Introduction (Igel) |
Seismic Inverse Problems: Challenges and Who's Who |
09:30 |
Keynote 1: Waveform inversion (Fichtner) Chair: Montagner |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Keynote 2: Tomography and geodynamics (Trampert) Chair: Morelli |
12:00 |
Keynote 3: New challenges in industrial high-resolution seismic imaging with 3D perspectives (Virieux) Chair: Thomson |
13:00 |
Lunch |
16:00 |
Keynote 4: Inversion for earthquake source characteristics (Madariaga) Chair: Das |
17:00 | Coffee Break |
17:30 |
Who's Who in QUEST: short presentations by QUEST Researchers Chair: Ferreira |
19:30 |
Dinner |
21:00 |
Open QUEST researcher meeting, election of representative for Supervisory and Science Board, Information on rights and duties Chair: Kueppers |
Tuesday, September 21st | |
Programming, Computers and all that Chair: Seriani |
Lecturers: G. Marras CINECA, P. Messmer & P. Mullowney, Tech-X |
08:30 |
Hardware architecture and basics of parallel computing |
09:30 | Parallel programming (CPUs) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Chair: Capdeville | |
11:00 |
Parallel programming (GPUs) |
12:00 |
From serial to parallel code: good programming rules |
13:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 |
Joint Meeting of WP7 (Source) and WP1+2 (Forward modelling and HPC) |
16:00 |
Practicals: Programming/GPU/CPU |
17:00 | Coffee Break |
17:30 | Practicals: Programming/GPU/CPU |
19:30 |
Dinner |
21:00 |
Supervisory and Science Board Meeting |
Wednesday, September 22nd | |
Computational Wave Propagation: Basic theory Chair: Kristek |
08:30 | Brief History; Finite Difference approach (Igel) |
09:00 |
The Spectral element method (Fichtner) |
09:45 |
Discontinuous Galerkin method (Käser) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Chair: O'Brien |
11:00 | Frequency domain modelling (Virieux) |
11:30 |
Cell methods (Seriani) |
12:00 |
Homogenization (Capdeville) |
12:30 |
Comparison of accuracy of the FDM, FEM, SEM and DGM (Moczo) |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Free Afternoon, Social Programme, Evening in Alghero Meeting Point: 16:00 at the Hotel harbour. Boat trip will lead us to "Grotta di Nettuno" and to Alghero. Meeting point in Alghero 10:30 for return by bus (details follow). |
Thursday, September 23rd | |
Computational wave propagation: applications on all scales Chairs: Boschi, Ferreira |
08:30 |
Elastic Inversion in the frequency domain (Brossier) |
09:00 | Ground motion prediction with DG (Etienne) |
09:30 |
DG in coupled acoustic-elastic media (Stadler) |
10:00 |
Modelling with axi-symmetric SEM (Nissen-Meyer) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Running FD and SE wave propagation codes faster on GPU clusters (le Loher) |
openTomo: community codes for tomographic problems? | |
11:30 |
Short presentations on e-infrastructure projects: e.g., Montagner (NERIES-NERA), Igel (EPOS, VERCE, TOAST, parSeis), Nolet (GlobalSeis), Tromp (CIG) followed by panel discussion on the need for provision of stable, scalable, portable codes for wave propagation and inversion problems. |
13:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 |
Joint Meeting of WP4 (Inverse Problems) & WP6 (Tomography and Geodynamics) |
16:00 |
Open poster session |
17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:30 |
Open poster session |
19:30 |
Dinner |
Friday, September 24th | |
Seismic data and inversion on all scales Chair: Holschneider |
08:30 |
Inner core anisotropy from normal mode observations (Irving) |
09:00 |
3D global tomography based on spectral element method (Liu) |
09:30 | Passive seismic analysis for reservoir monitoring (Gei) |
10:00 |
Monitoring velocity variations using tiltmeter data (Hadziioannou) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Chair: Woodhouse | |
11:00 |
The concept of arrival time in seismology (Nolet) |
11:30 |
Global finite frequency tomography (Sigloch) |
12:00 |
The Importance of mineral physics for the geodynamic interpretation of tomographic models (Schuberth) |
12:30 |
Observing and inverting more than translations: rotations and strains (Brokesova) |
13:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 |
Meeting of WP5 (Industrial applications) |
16:00 |
Specfem3d: a community code for forward and inverse modelling (Tromp, Liu) |
17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:30 |
Specfem3d: a community code for forward and inverse modelling (Tromp, Liu) |
18:30 |
Soccer Match |
20:00 |
Dinner |
21:30 |
What does it take to get a PhD? Some simple rules, strategies, experiences, risks … (panel discussion) Chairs: Sigloch, Ferreira |
Saturday, September 25th | |
Seismic source problems Chair: Käser |
08:30 |
Dynamic rupture propagation with DG (Pelties) |
09:00 |
Pulse-like rupture in large aspect-ratio faults (Dalguer) |
09:30 | Could we detect earthquake nucleation from surface observations? (Ionescu) |
10:00 |
Source properties of 2010 M7 Haiti earthquake by back projection (Meng) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
Workshop Conclusion and Outlook Chairs: Trampert, Woodhouse, Das |
11:00 |
Short presentation by the WP leaders with project plans, future meetings. Final discussion |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Spill over time (more discussions if necessary) |
19:30 |
Final Evening, Sardinian Special Dinner |
Poster Session
Thursday, September 23rd, 16:00 - 18:30 |
Bozdag Ebru |
Towards adjoint tomography for a global crustal model |
Boehm Christian |
PDE Constrained Optimization and its Application to Seismic Tomography |
Casarotti Emauele |
Spectral-Element Simulations of seismic waves and coseismic deformations generated by the 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake |
Cavallini Fabio Seriani Geza |
Green’s function of surface waves in anisotropic media via automatic differentiation |
Danecek Peter |
Evaluation of upper mantel and crust models for the European Plate region |
Duchkov Anton |
Using wave packets for multi-fold seismic data sparse representation, imaging and migration velocity analysis |
Esposito Roberta |
Finite frequency P-wave tomography across Europe |
Foundotos Michael |
Observability of multiply reflected P waves |
Gourdin Catherine |
New estimations on splitting normal modes |
Hung Shu-Huei |
Multi-scale, finite-frequency travel time tomography: example from 3D P and S wave tomography of the crust and upper mantle beneath Central Tiber |
Klin P. Priolo E. Seriani Geza |
Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in realistic 3D geo-models with a Fourier pseudo-spectral method |
Koelemeijer Paula |
Normal mode study of the D'' region and the core-mantle boundary topography |
Lambrecht Lasse |
3D simulation of seismic wave propagation around a tunnel using the spectral element method |
Lentas Kostas |
Using Earth's normal modes to define the robustness of a new method for the determination of the seismic parameters |
Mäkinen Anna |
Inner core temporal variations observed with body waves |
Mangeney Anne |
Numerical modelling of seismic waves generated by landslides |
Meng Lingsen |
Retrieving earthquake rupture properties by high-resolution array analysis at regional distances: the 2010 M7 Haiti earthquake as seen by the Venezuela National Seismic Network |
Mercerat Diego |
Imaging the slab beneath central Chile using the Spectral Element Method and adjoint techniques |
Molinari Irene |
Importance of detailed knowledge of crustal structure and its accurate representation for modeling seismic wave propagation at the continental scale |
Mosca Ilaria |
Probabilistic tomography of the lower mantle |
Peter Daniel |
Adjoint Tomography of the Middle East for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring |
Pfaffelmoser Tobias |
Uncertainty Visualization in Seismic Tomography |
Rickers Florian |
Hunting for plumes in the mantle using full seismograms |
Rubino Jorge German |
Computational rock physics with applications in geophysics |
Schäfer Julia |
Adaptively parameterized 3D models of the European upper mantle from surface wave tomography |
Schenk Olaf |
Interior-Point Method for Time-Harmonic Inverse Medium Problems |
Schumacher Florian |
Waveform sensitivity kernels for 3D elastic background media |
Seriani Geza Oliveira Saulo |
Dispersion Analysis of Spectral Element Methods |
Sidler Rolf |
Numerical simulation of surface waves in porous media |
Stähler Simon |
Study of the mantle transition zone using regional P-waveform data |
Tajima Fumiko |
Evaluation of seismic tomography models and implications for dynamic modeling |
Stutzmann Eleonore |
Modelling secondary microseismic noise |
Thomson Colin |
The space-time domain form of the reflection operator for a simple interface |
Verbeke Julie |
Rayleigh and Love waves phase velocity measurements in central Europe from seismic ambient noise |
Waszek Lauren |
Reconciling inner core super-rotation with hemispherical structure |
Wenk Stefan |
The discontinuous Galerkin finite element method and its application to global wave propagation |
Weston Jennifer |
Systematic source comparisons between earthquake source models determined using InSAR and seismology |
Zecevic Megan |
Preliminary analysis of LP events at Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion |
Zhang Ran |
Statistical inversion using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods |
Zhu Hejun |
Towards 3D reference model of Europe by using spectral-element method and adjoint method |
Note to all speakers:
- 60 Minute time slot will STRICTLY correspond to 45 mins + 15 mins discussion
- 30 Minute time slot will STRICTLY correspond to 20 mins + 10 mins discussion